Drivio UK Traffic Signs - is an app for learner drivers, motorcyclist learners and indeed all road users in the United Kingdom.
Drivio is not just for new drivers or riders needing to pass their theory test, but for all road users, including experienced professional drivers.
3 reason why you need this app:
• For learners - the source for many theory test questions; an essential resource for test preparation
• For everyone - whether you drive a car, lorry, bus or tractor, ride a motorbike, bicycle or horse, or are a pedestrian, this resource is for ALL road users
• For complete knowledge - complementary to The Official Highway Code, this book gives a comprehensive explanation of our signing system
• Browse and study through over 500 road and traffic signs
• Quiz yourself and test your knowledge
• Prepare yourself for DSAs theory test
• Track your progress
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Crown copyright material reproduced under licence from the Driving Standards Agency and the controller of HMSO which does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the reproduction.